Nurses Week!

Happy nurses week to all of my fellow nurses out there! Overworked, underpaid, no sleep, and we DEFINITELY don’t get to eat or pee, I know not a one of us would change a thing! Thanks for all the sacrifices, pain, tears and laughter you share everyday! #NURSESROCK! PROUD TO BE AN EMERGENCY AND TRAUMAContinue reading “Nurses Week!”

Three Types of Men (and women because we too can be that creative! ) 

OK FRIENDS! You know what time it is……TIME TO CHECK THOSE SENSITIVITIES IN MY COAT CLOSET……I PROMISE I WILL GIVE THEM BACK……EVENTUALLY 😂 SOMETIMES WE ALL JUST NEED A GOOD LAUGH! I have in store for you today TWO different posts…….as you can see…..first…..let’s talk about the THREE TYPES OF MEN (AND WOMEN)……… There areContinue reading “Three Types of Men (and women because we too can be that creative! ) “

Flawed: Aren’t We All Though?

Recently, I had the pleasure of reading Flawed by Cecelia Ahern. After reading this novel, I have been mulling over the premise and plot line enough that I felt compelled to share with you not only the book, but my reaction to it. With the election coming up it seemed kind of apropos that the storyContinue reading “Flawed: Aren’t We All Though?”

Where have I been???

Well, you know that Hurricane Michael? It was not supposed to hit us. Just some LIGHT rains. Well……let me tell you… hit Saturday and we are still without power in some areas and underwater in others.  Turns out Hurricane Michael not only hit, but added a cyclone just to make sure we all were onContinue reading “Where have I been???”

Monday Mania! (All sensitivities please get checked in my coat closet please! Oh…..and don’t forget your claim check…I may have a few stray sensitivities laying around 😂)

I don’t know about you friends, but I HATE MONDAY’S! Monday and I have a fairly long relationship. I’ve had to get over the fact that Monday will NEVER commit to just me. Monday ALWAYS enjoys starting my week with some f-bomb inciting bang. Monday never asks me or my friends out for a movie orContinue reading “Monday Mania! (All sensitivities please get checked in my coat closet please! Oh…..and don’t forget your claim check…I may have a few stray sensitivities laying around 😂)”

Shrill……by Lindy West

I haven’t done a review on here in awhile, and I am working on remedying that fact. In the meantime, I can’t help but share just a small treasure that gave me infinities amounts of giggles. Enjoy!  All I can say is…….poor puppy!  ~J

INSIDE OUT: and outside in? 

Sometimes, you have to slow down, and look at all there is that around you that is natural created beauty. We miss so many things around us just in the act of being late, rushed, happy, bouncing, or simply so self involved that all we see is us. Our pain. Our joy. Our sadness. OurContinue reading “INSIDE OUT: and outside in? “