So it’s Sunday Funday!! I’ve missed posting all week but……remember…..check sensitivities in my coat closet please 😂

Today, after leaving you with a few more giggles I feel we all need after a week of work…..or before we start another week on the grind, I have found a small treasure down where I live where where you can paint your own mermaid or dolphin. Now you are saying “ummm, yeah what’s the big deal?” Well, where I live, there is rich history both in Norfolk and Virginia Beach. In Norfolk, when you drive you see random mermaids decorated in very different manners. They are spread out all over Norfolk, and in Virginia Beach, you find dolphins in just the same manner. So what is the big deal?  

Norfolk is a port city. We host lots of Navy, Army and Air Force presence. So in 1999, one of the attorneys in Norflok got the idea to to have over 130 bronze mermaids cast and then with the help of loca city business owners and such, auctioned these off at around $2000 a piece and then they were decorated by local artists. 

According to : 

Today mermaids can be found throughout downtown and in neighborhoods. Some old, some new. Some in front of businesses, schools, hospitals and some in homeowners’ yards. Some have had to be completely redone due to damage from the elements or unfortunately from vandals. Some have even disappeared. But one thing has remained since their appearance: they are truly loved by young and old, visitors and residents alike. So start looking! See how many you can find. When you spot one, give a shout, “There goes a mermaid!”

Now that to me is beyond awesome history! Artistic as well! When looking up things to do in Virginia Beach, according to : 

Keep your eyes open for dolphins—not only in the waves, but all around the city of Virginia Beach. In the vein of Richmond’s rockfish and Norfolk’s mermaids, dolphins have been surfacing around town. Created by local artists through A Dolphin’s Promise foundation, the dolphins serve as unique symbols of hope throughout the city. The foundation promotes cancer research, as well as raises money for local museums.

So, with that in mind, I think I may just show you guys a few spots that are worth visiting here in my beautiful home. For now, as promised, I will continue with your funnies, and once I’ve made my own mermaid and dolphin I will show you my art work in the next post! For now:

On with your Sunday Funday funnies!

*****I had to start with nursing!******


**not a stabbing at anger management**


****isnt that how you get them?****

*******************************AND FINALLY*******************************


Until next time my lovelies, I’m hoping your week is full of love and laughter!


Published by Oceans of Books!

Live from the beautiful Atlantic Ocean, sharing all things bookish - from reviews to creativity and art. What Oceans of Books we have in store for you!

3 thoughts on “So it’s Sunday Funday!! I’ve missed posting all week but……remember…..check sensitivities in my coat closet please 😂

    1. You’re so welcome!! I’m glad you enjoyed!Every once in awhile (ok often) I feel the need to share some giggles as well as reviews and writings! Stick around. Sometimes I straight get giggle crazy 😱😂


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